كود عمل تاريخ بتغيير يومى
- الكود:
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The Javascript Source!! [url=http://Stop.at/sokotra]http://Stop.at/sokotra[/url] -->
<!-- Begin
var days = new Array(8);
days[1] = "الاحد";
days[2] = "الاثنين";
days[3] = "الثلاثاء";
days[4] = "الاربعاء";
days[5] = "الخميس";
days[6] = "الجمعة";
days[7] = "السبت";
var months = new Array(13);
months[1] = "January";
months[2] = "February";
months[3] = "March";
months[4] = "April";
months[5] = "May";
months[6] = "June";
months[7] = "July";
months[8] = "August";
months[9] = "September";
months[10] = "October";
months[11] = "November";
months[12] = "December";
var dateObj = new Date(document.lastModified)
var wday = days[dateObj.getDay() + 1]
var lmonth = months[dateObj.getMonth() + 1]
var date = dateObj.getDate()
var fyear =+ dateObj.getYear()
document.write(wday + ", " + lmonth + " " + date + ", " + fyear)
// End -->